Números Ordinais em Inglês (Ordinal Numbers) – Tabela Completa

Tempo de Leitura: 5 minutos
numeros ordinais em ingles a png

Índice de conteúdos

Neste post você irá conhecer todos os números ordinais em inglês de 1 a 100.

Com nossa tabela de números ordinais em inglês, você poderá escrever com facilidade datas, andares, ordens, séculos, entre diversas outras coisas importantes.

Descubra a seguir os números cardinais e ordinais em inglês!


Números ordinais em inglês


Os números ordinais em inglês (por extenso e com abreviação) são:

  • 1 – first (1st)
  • 2 – second (2nd)
  • 3 – third (3rd)
  • 4 – fourth (4th)
  • 5 – fifth (5th)
  • 6 – sixth (6th)
  • 7 – seventh (7th)
  • 8 – eighth (8th)
  • 9 – ninth (9th)
  • 10 – tenth (10th)
  • 11 – eleventh (11th)
  • 12 – twelfth (12th)
  • (…)


Números Ordinais em Inglês 1 a 100


Veja a tabela de números ordinais em inglês de 1 a 100 a seguir:


Números cardinais em inglês Números ordinais em inglês por extenso Números ordinais em inglês abreviados
1 first 1st
2 second 2nd
3 third 3rd
4 fourth 4th
5 fifth 5th
6 sixth 6th
7 seventh 7th
8 eighth 8th
9 ninth 9th
10 tenth 10th
11 eleventh 11th
12 twelfth 12th
13 thirteenth 13th
14 fourteenth 14th
15 fifteenth 15th
16 sixteenth 16th
17 seventeenth 17th
18 eighteenth 18th
19 nineteenth 19th
20 twentieth 20th
21 twenty-first 21st
22 twenty-second 22nd
23 twenty-third 23rd
24 twenty-fourth 24th
25 twenty-fifth 25th
26 twenty-sixth 26th
27 twenty-seventh 27th
28 twenty-eighth 28th
29 twenty-ninth 29th
30 thirty 30th
31 thirty-first 31st
32 thirty-second 32nd
33 thirty-third 33rd
34 thirty-fourth 34th
35 thirty-fifth 35th
36 thirty-sixth 36th
37 thirty-seventh 37th
38 thirty-eighth 38th
39 thirty-ninth 39th
40 forty 40th
41 forty-first 41st
42 forty-second 42nd
43 forty-third 43rd
44 forty-fourth 44th
45 forty-fifth 45th
46 forty-sixth 46th
47 forty-seventh 47th
48 forty-eighth 48th
49 forty-ninth 49th
50 fifty 50th
51 fifty-first 51st
52 fifty-second 52nd
53 fifty-third 53rd
54 fifty-fourth 54th
55 fifty-fifth 55th
56 fifty-sixth 56th
57 fifty-seventh 57th
58 fifty-eighth 58th
59 fifty-ninth 59th
60 sixty 60th
61 sixty-first 61st
62 sixty-second 62nd
63 sixty-third 63rd
64 sixty-fourth 64th
65 sixty-fifth 65th
66 sixty-sixth 66th
67 sixty-seventh 67th
68 sixty-eighth 68th
69 sixty-ninth 69th
70 seventy 70th
71 seventy-first 71st
72 seventy-second 72nd
73 seventy-third 73rd
74 seventy-fourth 74th
75 seventy-fifth 75th
76 seventy-sixth 76th
77 seventy-seventh 77th
78 seventy-eighth 78th
79 seventy-ninth 79th
80 eighty 80th
81 eighty-first 81st
82 eighty-second 82nd
83 eighty-third 83rd
84 eighty-fourth 84th
85 eighty-fifth 85th
86 eighty-sixth 86th
87 eighty-seventh 87th
88 eighty-eighth 88th
89 eighty-ninth 89th
90 ninety 90th
91 ninety-first 91st
92 ninety-second 92nd
93 ninety-third 93rd
94 ninety-fourth 94th
95 ninety-fifth 95th
96 ninety-sixth 96th
97 ninety-seventh 97th
98 ninety-eighth 98th
99 ninety-ninth 99th
100 one hundredth 100th


Números Ordinais em Inglês 1 a 1000


Veja a tabela de números ordinais em inglês de 1 a 1000 a seguir:


Números cardinais em inglês Números ordinais em inglês por extenso Números ordinais em inglês abreviados
10 tenth 10th
20 twentieth 20th
30 thirtyieth 30th
40 fortyieth 40th
50 fiftyieth 50th
60 sixtyieth 60th
70 seventyieth 70th
80 eightyieth 80th
90 ninetyieth 90th
100 first hundredth 100th
110 first hundred and tenth 110th
120 first hundred and twentieth 120th
130 first hundred and thirtyieth 130th
140 first hundred and fortyieth 140th
150 first hundred and fiftyieth 150th
160 first hundred and sixtyieth 160th
170 first hundred and seventyieth 170th
180 first hundred and eightyieth 180th
190 first hundred and ninetyieth 190th
200 second hundredth 200th
210 second hundred and tenth 210th
220 second hundred and twentieth 220th
230 second hundred and thirtyieth 230th
240 second hundred and fortyieth 240th
250 second hundred and fiftyieth 250th
260 second hundred and sixtyieth 260th
270 second hundred and seventyieth 270th
280 second hundred and eightyieth 280th
290 second hundred and ninetyieth 290th
300 third hundredth 300th
310 third hundred and tenth 310th
320 third hundred and twentieth 320th
330 third hundred and thirtyieth 330th
340 third hundred and fortyieth 340th
350 third hundred and fiftyieth 350th
360 third hundred and sixtyieth 360th
370 third hundred and seventyieth 370th
380 third hundred and eightyieth 380th
390 third hundred and ninetyieth 390th
400 fourth hundredth 400th
410 fourth hundred and tenth 410th
420 fourth hundred and twentieth 420th
430 fourth hundred and thirtyieth 430th
440 fourth hundred and fortyieth 440th
450 fourth hundred and fiftyieth 450th
460 fourth hundred and sixtyieth 460th
470 fourth hundred and seventyieth 470th
480 fourth hundred and eightyieth 480th
490 fourth hundred and ninetyieth 490th
500 fifth hundredth 500th
510 fifth hundred and tenth 510th
520 fifth hundred and twentieth 520th
530 fifth hundred and thirtyieth 530th
540 fifth hundred and fortyieth 540th
550 fifth hundred and fiftyieth 550th
560 fifth hundred and sixtyieth 560th
570 fifth hundred and seventyieth 570th
580 fifth hundred and eightyieth 580th
590 fifth hundred and ninetyieth 590th
600 sixth hundredth 600th
610 sixth hundred and tenth 610th
620 sixth hundred and twentieth 620th
630 sixth hundred and thirtyieth 630th
640 sixth hundred and fortyieth 640th
650 sixth hundred and fiftyieth 650th
660 sixth hundred and sixtyieth 660th
670 sixth hundred and seventyieth 670th
680 sixth hundred and eightyieth 680th
690 sixth hundred and ninetyieth 690th
700 seventh hundredth 700th
710 seventh hundred and tenth 710th
720 seventh hundred and twentieth 720th
730 seventh hundred and thirtyieth 730th
740 seventh hundred and fortyieth 740th
750 seventh hundred and fiftyieth 750th
760 seventh hundred and sixtyieth 760th
770 seventh hundred and seventyieth 770th
780 seventh hundred and eightyieth 780th
790 seventh hundred and ninetyieth 790th
800 eighth hundredth 800th
810 eighth hundred and tenth 810th
820 eighth hundred and twentieth 820th
830 eighth hundred and thirtyieth 830th
840 eighth hundred and fortyieth 840th
850 eighth hundred and fiftyieth 850th
860 eighth hundred and sixtyieth 860th
870 eighth hundred and seventyieth 870th
880 eighth hundred and eightyieth 880th
890 eighth hundred and ninetyieth 890th
900 ninth hundredth 900th
910 ninth hundred and tenth 910th
920 ninth hundred and twentieth 920th
930 ninth hundred and thirtyieth 930th
940 ninth hundred and fortyieth 940th
950 ninth hundred and fiftyieth 950th
960 ninth hundred and sixtyieth 960th
970 ninth hundred and seventyieth 970th
980 ninth hundred and eightyieth 980th
990 ninth hundred and ninetyieth 990th
1000 one thousandth 1000th


numeros ordinais em ingles 10 a 1000000


Números Ordinais em Inglês – Abreviação


Como abreviar os números ordinais em inglês?

Para abreviar números ordinais em inglês, você acrescenta “st”, “nd”, “rd” ou “th” ao final do número, seguindo estas regras:

  • st: Se o número termina em 1 (e não é 11), use “st” (por exemplo, 1st, 21st, 31st).
  • nd: Se o número termina em 2 (e não é 12), use “nd” (por exemplo, 2nd, 22nd, 32nd).
  • rd: Se o número termina em 3 (e não é 13), use “rd” (por exemplo, 3rd, 23rd, 33rd).
  • th: Para todos os outros números, use “th” (por exemplo, 4th, 11th, 20th, 100th).


Veja também como escrever data em inglês com th.


Frases com ordinal numbers para praticar


Agora que você já entende tudo sobre números cardinais e ordinais em inglês, pratique sua compreensão com os exemplos a seguir:


  • “This is my first time visiting New York.” (Esta é a minha primeira vez visitando Nova York.)
  • “He finished in second place in the race.” (Ele terminou em segundo lugar na corrida.)
  • “Her birthday is on the twenty-first of June.” (O aniversário dela é no vigésimo primeiro de junho.)
  • “I live on the fourth floor of the building.” (Eu moro no quarto andar do prédio.)
  • “We are celebrating our tenth anniversary this year.” (Estamos comemorando nosso décimo aniversário este ano.)
  • “The meeting is scheduled for the fifteenth of next month.” (A reunião está agendada para o décimo quinto do próximo mês.)
  • “He is the third person to call me today about this issue.” (Ele é a terceira pessoa a me ligar hoje sobre este assunto.)
  • “This is the fifth time I’ve lost my keys this month.” (Esta é a quinta vez que perdi minhas chaves este mês.)
  • “Her article was published in the thirtieth edition of the magazine.” (O artigo dela foi publicado na trigésima edição da revista.)
  • “I’m reading the second chapter of the book right now.” (Estou lendo o segundo capítulo do livro agora.)


Veja também: Dias da semana em inglês em ordem com tradução 

Perguntas sobre Números Ordinais em Inglês (Ordinal Numbers) – Tabela Completa

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